These days, you can find packing lists for any destination in the world with a simple internet search. But with a multitude of different sources offering conflicting suggestions, these “helpful” lists can start to seem overwhelming. That’s why we’ve gone straight to the source—our Odysseys Tour Directors. These experienced guides live where they work, love what they do, and have firsthand knowledge of everything that you should (and shouldn’t) bring with you on tour.
So whether you’re preparing for an African safari, a Galapagos getaway, or a Patagonian adventure, our TDs have you covered! Click on the photos below to watch each video.
Tomas Palma – Machu Picchu to the Galapagos
Alex Maureira – Patagonia Explorer and Patagonian Frontiers
Tonia Devereux – Africa’s Wildlife and Southern Africa Odyssey
We hope these quick primers help you pack for your next trip – and invite you to visit our online store to browse a range of gear, clothing, and luggage purpose-built to bring on our small group tours!
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